I was going to throw away my old Franklin Planner storage binder but stopped to look at it a little closer. A binder is always good to hold odd bits of paper. I have a lot of odd bits of paper. How can I make this work for me?
I used four sheets of the Wassail line by Basic Grey. I love the chintz pattern. I trimmed the paper first and then applied Sizzix rub-on permanent adhesive to the backs of all of the papers. I used basic bookbinding techniques to wrap the binder. I used ribbon and some embellishments to hide the paper seams.
Since this is such a chunky binder to begin with, I plan to create thick, chunky pages using only supplies that I already have and/or recycled odd bits of paper or ephemera that I find.
I find that I like having several different projects going at the same time. I can work on whatever inspires me at the moment. This makes me feel free to create as I wish.
Here are more views of the altered binder as well as an image of what the Franklin Planner looked like before I altered it. Binder size: 8.5" x 9" x 3"
