
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Back on Track for Estate Sale Hunting

It felt great to be back on track with a day of estate sale hunting and no car trouble {explanation here}. Yay!

My favorite find of the day was this vintage, red and white, glass spice rack. We had to wake up pretty early this morning to be one of the first few people in the door for this sale but this made it worthwhile. It is just so adorably vintage.

Another great find today was this doll's suitcase. I love vintage suitcases and this was sitting on the floor, in the middle of the room, on the third day of a sale! It was meant to come home with me.

We also found this vintage canister that is very similar to the green bread box I found a while back.

I love vintage Christmas decorations so I was thrilled to find this large, red, bottlebrush wreath and several strands of mercury glass beads.

I also found a box of vintage Bubble Lights. I might have Dear Handyman re-wire the plug before I attempt to plug this in.

The last thing I found was not the kind of thing I normally buy but I have a beach-themed project in mind and this was perfect. I found a good-size piece of real coral. It has so much texture and adds a lovely beach feel.
We also saw a lot of amazing things that we didn't buy because of the price. We saw a library card catalog drawer set for $750. That was hard to walk away from but I couldn't justify the price. There was also several yards of vintage barkcloth in a tropical print that was so beautiful but it was $125 and I had to walk away.

Honored to be featured at:

This is linked to:
Brambleberry Cottage, Common GroundCreating a House of GraceHey What's For Dinner Mom?, It's a Very Cherry WorldModVintageLife, Savvy Southern Style, Tales from Bloggeritaville, The Colorado Lady, The Thrifty Groove,  Type A and Very Merry Vintage Style


  1. *sigh* Love the vintage Christmas. I guess no one ever celebrated Chrisitmas where I live (it's the only explanation I can come up with)because I have yet to find any this year...congrats on all the great vintage treasures you found!

  2. oo I haven't seen an entire set of intact canisters at a sale before, good find! I'm also envious of the bubble lights & I have a very similar doll's suitcase (it was stuffed with shoes and clothes too).

  3. We started our day at an estate sale which appeared to really be a former antique dealer trying to sell their stuff. The lowest priced item would have blown my entire budget for the day. Needless to say, didn't buy anything.

    Love those spice canisters! The doll suitcase brings back memories of a childhood friend who had such a case. Sweet finds!

  4. 750 DOLLARS for a card catalog?? crazy but I'd find it hard to walk away from too. So many cool things though. I think I had suitcase like that when I was little. Thanks for linking up!!

  5. Glad you got back in the estate hunt. Great finds. Lots of bright fun finds.

  6. I love posts like this...great finds. I just found a small 2 drawer library card catalog that I posted last week. It was only 12.99 at goodwill. Enjoyed this post. Dawn Suitcase Vignettes

  7. What a big day you had at these sales. All the things you shared are great and have lots of good uses.

  8. What are the chances that you would get a match for your tin bread box?! Your shakers are great too.

  9. Lovin' the spice rack!! I have a few but you out did yourself....GOOD EYE!


  10. I can tell you have great plans for that suitcase. I can hardly wait to see photos of the transformation!


    Red is the color of cherries, not cheese;
    Yellow the backs of the sweet honeybees;

    Red the fair hair of the Derry Town maid;
    Yellow the yolk of the brown egg fresh-laid;

    Red are the wounds of the sun going down;
    Yellow the daisies beloved by the clown;

    Rainbows of colors, delighting the eye—
    Yellow and scarlet for this lullaby.

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Red and Yellow Rooster

  11. I'm seeing more and more people blogging about great finds at estate sales. How do you find when and where the best sales are? Can you point us to any websites? Or is it Craigslist? Happy Rednesday from

  12. Just love the dolly trunk- I seem to have a 'thing' for collecting them and I always try to keep an eye out for them!
    P.S. Lola- try to find reputable, fair dealers in your area, many of them have websites or will email you with upcomming sales info. The more you go to and wait around in the early dawn hours for your number the more other people will reconize you. THESE people are the best informants of new sales comming and which ones to avoid!

  13. I have been looking forever for one of those spice sets- I see them off and on, but I'm still waiting for 'the one' :)

  14. Hi Lynda! Great finds! I especially love that doll case. I've always had a weakness for those, but haven't found any in my price range! ;)

  15. Fab Finds! I HOARD vintage Christmas stuff! I begrugingly thinned out my collection this past April. I simply had way tooo much. Don't worry, I still have about 100 bottle brush trees, and close to 1,000 Shiny Brites!

    Now Following!

    ~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

  16. That doll suitcase is lovely. I really like the fabric that lines it. Do you plan to give it a makeover or leave it as is?

    I found your blog through the Anything Goes Party @ Type A.

  17. You found some great stuff, I adore that spice rack and bottles! That is the kind of thing that I would love to find.
    Hugs, Cindy

  18. Those spice bottles are awesome! Thanks for sharing your finds:)

  19. Oh I love the spice bottles too! I want them badly, really, I do. :-)

  20. Wow! I love those spice containers. So cute. And luck you to have found them!!

  21. Wow, you found some great treasure. Love the spice set and the canister. My fave is the Christmas lights and bottle brush wreath. I know you had fun that day.
    Happy VTT
    Hugs, Jeanne

  22. Great finds and love that coral. Thanks for joining WUW.

  23. You found some wonderful things but I love your red and white spice set! I've always wanted one of these!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  24. Great vintage "stuff". Some good finds. I'm here by way of Time Travel Thursday. Enjoyed my visit - seeing the vintage doll case and those bubble lights, actually the box and then the coral - brought back lots of memories. Thanks, Jenn

  25. What great finds. Love the vintage spice rack and I'd snap up that coral too. Thanks for linking up at Mod Mix Monday!

  26. What treasures you found! I can't believe it, a complete spice set. I have only found a few, and never together. What a find. Love the vintage Christmas items also. Saw that you were featured on Very Merry Vintage Style. Glad I came to see. Now a new follower.
