
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spring's First Thrift

It was a glorious first thrift of Spring! My intent was to slow my roll and just check out a couple of sales without spending too much money. And looking back at everything that I found, I spent less than I usually would for this quantity of items.

My absolute favorite find was this wire canning basket with large blue Mason Jars. Because the jars did not have lids they were only $.25 each. The one jar with a lid was from a previous thrifting adventure. And somewhere I have a box of new old stock zinc lids to complete these jars. I saw the wire basket that was used to raise and lower six jars into boiling water in the canning process and I just scooped up the entire lot. Can't you see this as a table centerpiece filled with flowers in each jar!
We also found a lot of pottery pieces today.
The planter in back is by Hull Pottery. The floral frog in front is an old Japanese ceramic piece.
We also found this cool Midcentury Modern Hoenig California pottery piece below. This is a great retro piece in the classic colors of the 60s {think avocado, tomato and mustard}.
Found more Pyrex with lids.
Love finding nice cake stands.
Anyone remember Davy Crockett? Found some milk glass mugs and a bowl.
Found a little plastic Halloween figure to add to my stash and a Thermos in Autumn colors.
Buried under a thick layer of sawdust were these old wooden card catalog drawers. It needs some cleaning but can be a great storage piece.
We found a bunch of other treasures but I wanted to post just the highlights. I have fallen behind in getting items into my Stuff to Treasure store so please bear with me. But in my defense I have been doing a lot of freelance design work lately and even trying to get some crafting projects completed.

My sister's birthday is next week. I found something awesome for her. If you're reading this and you're my sister then STOP right now because this is a Spoiler Alert!

My sister is a letter writer. Think "snail mail". She collects beautiful old pens and crafts unique envelopes. Last month was National Letter Writing Month and she sent me several unique letters displaying her beautiful calligraphy. So imagine my delight when I found this 100 year old, glass pen and ink holder. There is a date of 1911 on the bottom of the glass. The ink bottle is separate and I don't think I can ship the liquid ink to her anyway. But I thought this pen and ink holder was so perfect for her. The seller was sooooo thrilled that I knew what it was and that it was going to someone who would truly appreciate it.
What an awesome day! I love Spring! Hope everyone had a great day of thrifting.

This is linked to:
From My Front Porch to YoursHey What's For Dinner Mom?, It's a Very Cherry WorldSavvy Southern StyleStylish Once Again, The Colorado Lady and The Thrifty Groove


  1. Oh my!!! what fantastic finds you got!!! I love your pottery finds. I am getting into pottery a bit as I am falling in love with plants, and vintage pottery is just so fun!

    The Joyful Thrifter

  2. Wonderful pieces- love the California pottery piece! If I was with you on this thrifting trip, I'd be fighting you for the same exact pieces!

  3. Really great buys. Love those Pyrex & Davy milk glass pieces. I have NEVER seen Green Squares (or whateves) in a thrift store here in Ontario. Once I've seen it in an antique market. The vintage pottery is fun!

  4. The vintage pottery is gorgeous. What amazing colors & perfect for Spring. The Davy Crockett is something that I have only seen in antique malls around here and always in locked cases. You should get some pretty good money for those. And of course the Pyrex. LOVE the Pyrex!

    Have a wonderful week,


  5. So many great finds favorites the Pyrex, Flower frog and the blue Mason jars in wire rack Im jealous of your finds.

  6. so MANY cool things! you know what we got for Spring? another foot of snow :)

  7. You got a great deal on the aqua Mason jars! They would make a fabulous centerpiece.
    Nice old ink and pen holder, too.
    Happy Easter!

  8. I love the blue mason jars, what a steal! I'd love it if you'd jump over and link up at my "Go Get Your Garage Sale On" Linky Party, and share some of your great finds!

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