
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Opposite Day at Estate Sales

We went to two very different estate sales today. The first one was in a large old house. We signed up and waited. The estate sale company opened the door and let everyone rush in. It was chaotic but the worst part was that there was absolutely nothing worth buying in the house. The best part was seeing the inside of this house. It even had a basement which is rare in Southern California.

The second sale was almost the exact opposite. It was held in a small, old bungalow. We were allowed in according to the sign up sheet in an orderly fashion. The house was packed with goodies at great prices.

My favorite find was another ceramic glove mold. The new find is on the left. The one on the right is from the sale in Hollywood.

Keeping with the "hand" theme, we found these glass hand trinket dishes.

I didn't know what this mechanical metal woodpecker was at first until someone told me that it was a toothpick grabber. The bird tips down and grabs a toothpick in its beak.

We also found more sewing supplies. I found a sewing basket filled with spools as well as several different vintage advertising sewing kits. Plus I found this button jar that I haven't had a chance to sort through yet.

The last item is this decorative, chippy cast iron garden lantern. It was originally a pale blue but is now chippy and rusty and oh so lovely. I will be putting this and some of the other items into my Stuff To Treasure store soon so please check it out if you're interested.

The other part of the Opposite Day was in the people we met at these sales. We met a nice man while waiting for the first sale. We saw him again at the second sale and even left the sale at about the same time. When Dear Handyman and I got to the car we couldn't find the key. The nice man asked what was wrong so we told him. He actually remembered seeing Dear Handyman drop something in the garage area so he ran back inside and found the key for us. Wishing you good karma dear sir!

At this same second sale there was a woman who stood in a doorway looking at jewelry and blocking all passage. As I stood there asking her if she would please let me pass, another man, who obviously knew her from previous sales, said "Oh she won't move for anybody" then he shoved her aside to pass and the woman didn't even acknowledge him. I would no sooner intentionally block a doorway, ignore a polite request nor shove someone aside which meant I had to move a small table and squeeze by. What a strange encounter.

Karma rocks! I hope everyone had a great thrifting day.

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  1. Wow, you found some great stuff. I really love the woodpecker and glove mold. I have really been wanting one of those glove molds but have yet to run across one.

  2. Estate sales seem to be much more common over there than they are here the UK. I wish we had more!

    Jem xXx

  3. love your glove mold I think I will add that to my thrifting wish list

  4. The woodpecker toothpick holder brings back sweet memories of my Granmother. she had one of those and I always remember her commenting on it. she loved it also

  5. I once owned the woodpecker toothpick holder when I was selling either in a shop or on ebay. It works like a charm! I wish I had kept it!
