
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

300 Follower Milestone GIVEAWAY

I am thrilled to have reached 300 Followers!!! Thank you! To show my appreciation to all of my Followers, I am having another GIVEAWAY. 

I wanted to do something for both the Thrifters and Crafters who follow my blog. I started with a 1950s cigarette tin (not endorsing smoking but the box was so cool). I wanted to fill it with as much vintage goodies as it will hold. Since an ATC card will kind of fit inside, I started thinking of it as an ATC artist's "Emergency Inspiration Kit".

Squeezed inside of this tin are the following:
Two embossed ATC cards (new)
Handmade, vintage lace square
Several vintage buttons
Mercury glass beads
Plastic numbered game tiles
Bingo numbers,
A wooden domino
A heavy plastic domino
Yard of vintage lace
Small floral pick
Mini-folder (new)
Blue Chip stamps and
Several old postage stamps.

Also included but not inside of the tin:
Vintage Bingo card
Handle With Care label
Vintage millinery leaves

Everyone has up to two chances to enter this giveaway. If you are a new visitor then please leave one comment on this post to enter. And if you become a Follower then leave a second comment letting me know and this will be your second chance to win.

If you already are a Follower then leave two separate comments (one stating that you are already a Follower and a second comment to enter. This way everyone will have two chances to win if they are a Follower.

This is an international giveaway for our friends all over the world who are so kind to Follow my blog.

I will have this giveaway open for one week, ending Wednesday, June 29 at 9:00pm Pacific time. At that time I will randomly select a winner. Good luck and thank you to all of my Followers

This Giveaway is now closed. Thank you to all of my Followers.

This is linked to:
Bacon Time with the Hungry Hungry Hypo and Type A


  1. What a fun assortment. I'd love to win it so I could create with it.

  2. Happy 300 to you! I am already a follower.

    <3Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  3. And here is my second comment...I love all of these vintage goodies, especially the buttons!

    <3Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  4. Hello - very interesting selection, I'd love a chance to win, thank you.

  5. I'm a follower! just found you last week and love it! been through most of your old ones looking at all the wonderfull work and getting so much inspiration from them!

  6. I love the stuff in this give away! my mind is already spinning with what all I could do with it!

  7. Wow - 300! Congratulations! I'm one of your newer followers.

  8. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway! So many neat little things - and I love the red! Leslie Anne

  9. wouldn't I love that many followers! Congrats! And...I would love to win! Blessings, Sharon

  10. And I just became a follower--301 maybe?! ; )
    Blessings, Sharon

  11. yay! :-) congrats and pick me please!

    haha, thanks for the giveaway.

  12. What a cute giveaway set! Congrats on 300 followers!!

  13. And I know that it would be totally unfair to win this one too - but that stuff is so great - I just can't bring myself to NOT enter!

  14. These cute little items caught my eye right away...would love to win & create some super cute things!

  15. Congratulations on a well-deserved following that I'm certain will continue to grow, thrive and multiply!

    Best, Jenn

  16. Congratulations on 300 (and now plus) followers!

  17. I am a new follower.

  18. I am already a follower


  19. Congrats on 300 followers! Thank you for the giveaway


  20. 300 Followers!!! That is awesome. I am a follower. Love your blog. Tiffany

  21. Enter me into your awesome giveaway! Tiffany

  22. Congratulations on the 300+ followers, Lynda!

    Cool Give Away on your cool blog. :-)

    *SMILES* from Lisbet /DK

  23. I'm already a follower (OFCOURSE!) :-)))

  24. new follower :) misaacmom at gmail dot com - congrats on 300 followers

  25. This Giveaway is now closed. Thank you.
