
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Estate Sale Vacation Days

I took two, half-day vacation days this week. For both days I was up at 5:15am and out the door. I went to two early estate sales and would you believe there are people who park motorhomes outside of the estate sale locations and sign up on waiting lists beginning at 4:30am! {Hats off to any reader who might be one of these dedicated estate sale hunters.}

Although I wasn't the first person in the door, I did find some lovely treasures. My favorite find of the day was this biscuit tin with poppies and plaid. It needs a good cleaning but I love the vintage look. Luckily the inside is clean and the dirt is only on the outside surface.

I also found this green biscuit tin, also very dirty but the pattern is so quaint. Both of these tins need a good, gentle cleaning.

I love old world globes and have a small collection so I was thrilled to find this vintage beauty. I did a little research and believe this to be from the 1950s since it still shows Hawai'i as a territory.

The best deal of the day were these vintage games. I got them at a great price. I bought several more but these were the most valuable.

I also found a handful of mercury glass spikes and a few other Christmas decorations. This will be added to my ongoing collection of spikes. I'm curious about the gold spikes at the top of this picture. They have labels that say "Japan" and they look awfully shiny yet the bead at the very end looks like old Mercury glass.

These are Santa cupcake toppers. I love the three skiing Santas at the bottom.

I found a vintage tablecloth decorated with 19th Century scenery.

I also picked up an odd lot of toys including a vintage, wind-up walking turtle (marked Made in Japan), tin train, old hand-buzzers and a wooden Pinocchio toy.

I also bought three little jars of old buttons. In the first jar there were these strange looking buttons. Take a look at the bugs and worm buttons at the bottom of this photo. When I first saw the worm buttons I stopped to make sure they weren't moving before I touched them. Has anyone seen these before?

I returned to one of the estate sales that I visited during the week and found a few more treasures at half price.

This is a set of three pitchers marked Royal Holland Pewter. I loved the sleek lines. 

I also found this mid-century ceramic piece marked Frankoma. 
It was a great three days of thrifting. 
Happy Mother's Day!

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  1. those santa's are a hoot! I love the tins you got! worth getting up early for!

  2. I want to go with you to the next estate sale trips...You got some great stuff...I guess the early bird gets the juiciest Tiffany

  3. I LOVE the last four things (pictured)that you got! Wow! Good job.

  4. I love every single thing you bought except for those worm buttons. Actually, I even like those, but they are just so eeeew. I think they would be most excellent on a Halloween sweater.

    I used to love those old hand buzzers when I was a kid. That was a high tech toy back then. ha.

  5. Wow it's so rare that I like everything in someone's treasure stash but you really found some great things! The worm buttons are horrid - but fascinating. I'm sure there's a small boy out there who would love them!

  6. I'm so jealous of everyone's estate sale finds!

    I can't think of the word right now, since I have someone babbling in my ear, but I'm kinda intimidated by estate sales. Some people spend hours in line, others get up at 6AM..

    I don't have a car..

  7. Great finds...and I love the buttons! The wormy ones are kind of scary, but probably worth some money! lol

  8. Yes there are lots of crazy people that camp out at estate sales, in Chicago I often see people sleeping in their cars the night before!!

    Love all your finds, especially the buttons, the owl game and the little tin train. The worm buttons are scary yet amazing.

  9. The worm buttons give me the creeps. But I love the bread and biscuit tins. Those will be very handsome after a little elbow grease. Great treasures! I have yet to hit an estate sale. I'm itching to get to one.

  10. What amazing finds! The bee buttons are... well the bees knees.

  11. What a great haul. I love those little puzzles, and the pitcher set is amazing.

  12. I love estate sales but I am not that dedicated! I love my sleep to much!

    Great finds! Love those tins and the buttons!

    Oh lovely vintage joy!

    The Joyful Thrifter

  13. I found one of those Frankoma pitchers recently - they are so beautiful.

  14. What a lot of great finds...though I confess that your buttons might be my favorite (especially the bugs - bees?)!

  15. I can see how they look like worms, but I suspect they are just meant to be coiled (like rope) buttons.

    The bugs are the bees knees though!

  16. You found some really neat stuff! The tins are very cool and I like your buttons, too, with the exception of the worm buttons. They are a little creepy.

    The walking turtle toy is so neat as is the Pinocchio.

  17. Beautiful treasures. I wish I knew the value on things--- to get into the whole "resell" market. I come across some pretty amazing things, but can't be bothered to investigate somethings worth lol

  18. Ok those worm buttons are totally creeping me out. But I love your globe as Im trying to start my own collection. I just posted today about one I found at a boy scout sale over the weekend for only $2. I was really excited:)

  19. Wow, what a haul! We do not find things like this here in Utah. Love, love the biscuit tins! Found you fro TTT. Enjoy those new treasures.

  20. Oh Lynda! I have the poppies and plaid cake carrier and cannisters. If you ever want to sell your tin, Please let me know! You can see pics of mine on the side bar of my blog! ♥

  21. What great finds!
    I really like the green bread box/biscuit tin. I passed one up like it about a year ago because it was rusted through the bottom and have been keeping my eye open!

  22. Looks like you had a wonder-filled time on your shopping expedition!


    “If forced to make choices,” she said,
    “I’d go for the crimson and red.
    I’d let go of green,
    (Some think it’s obscene),
    Embracing magenta instead.”

    Dancers in Red

  23. You got some great things! Love those santa cupcake toppers too! The bread box is lovely. Thanks for linking up to my Share the Love Wednesday party!

  24. You found some really wonderful things! I especially like the green biscuit tin and the daisy buttons.

  25. wonderful, cheerful finds!
    Happy Rednesday!!

  26. As I was scrolling through your photos I kept saying to myself (because I do talk to myself), "this is my favorite, no this is my favorite." Well the pitchers are definitely my favorite, but so many other things are a close second. Thanks for sharing!

  27. I love going to estate sales. But I'm not such a diehard that I would get up at that hour just to shop! I wouldn't mind coming to your neck of the woods to hunt for goodies, however! ;)

    Thanks for linking to the party this week, Lynda. I enjoy seeing the treasures you find during your shopping excursions.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  28. Looks like you got in at a good time to find all these things. It does not matter when we get in because everyone is not looking for the same thing as a rule.

  29. You did find some great things but I am in love with those tins. Great job. Estate sales can be brutal.

  30. WOW! I need to follow you around. I love all your treasures, especially the boxes and those games. Great finds indeed!

  31. Great finds. I love the green biscuit tin.

  32. Great finds, Love the red and white tin!

  33. Sounds like a wonderful three days! The little bug buttons are so cute. I have never seen these before. It would be interesting to know what time period they are.

  34. these are beautiful finds - I especially love the tins. Our recent estate sales here have been dreadful...truly boring and blah. I'm just waiting for a good one to pop-up soon! And no, I won't be waiting in line @ 4:30am!

  35. Oh, what awesome finds! I love that last set of the pitcher set! Beautiful. I don't think I would be anywhere at 4:30 in the morning and I love to thrift! thank you for sharing at TTF. Have a great day!
