
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wonder Woman's Birthday

Today is my dear friend, Jen's birthday. She collects anything that has to do with Wonder Woman. Besides being a talented artist, I think she is Wonder Woman.

For her birthday I made her two gifts. My favorite is this painted doll figurine of Wonder Woman. I am positive that she doesn't already have one of these in her collection.
The second gift is this nameplate for her desk. I used a Scrabble stick and letters and a vintage ruler. I had made one for myself a while back and she asked me to make one for her.

Happy birthday Jen Wonder Woman!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Belated Valentine's Post

I made a Valentine's card for my Dear Handyman. He told me that he saves all of the cards that I make for him which makes me so happy.
I started with a box cut using the eclips machine. I made the flower using the Sizzix Tattered Pinecone die then inked and distressed the edges of the petals. I added a bit of lace, greenery and a small tag to finish off the front of the box.

When the box was opened there was a simple card.

I began with a 12" x 3" strip of cardstock and accordion folded it. I used the Alterations Magnetic Movers & Shapers Die; Love on the front of the card. This die is discontinued but I think it is so perfect for a simple card.
I kept the various panels very simple so that the shapes stood out.
I also used a Movers & Shapers Heart die on the inside page.

I'm so glad that my Dear Handyman appreciates the cards that I make for him. Just one more reason why I love him.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Good Thrifting Day and A Very Busy New Year

We haven't had a chance to go thifting in quite a while. I missed the thrill of the hunt. I totally forgot about how rude some people can be but I didn't let that spoil my day.

My favorite find was this old, wooden step ladder. What a perfectly distressed way to display things. It is such a great size to display books or other collections.
I found these sweet little cards with some cute pictures and funny rhymes. This little cat has a piece of string tied to its "tail. And another card has a small paper doll.

We found a pair of Tipp City milk glass rooster spice jars and an old glass rolling pin.
I love researching about old milk bottles. We found three old bottles and I have been able to determine the approximate date when the bottles were made and in some cases, the city where they were made. These are from the 1930s and 40s. The brown bottle is even earlier.
I found more Pyrex bowls. I sold all of my Pyrex so I am slowly gathering more again.

I couldn't resist a few more Shiny Brite ornaments.
I found some quilt fabric that was of vintage Valentine cards and project yardage to make a cute cherry pattern apron.

I am working hard to get most of these items into my Stuff to Treasure store.

It has been an extremely busy start to the new year. Since the first day of January, I have been doing the following: I decluttered and prepped my entire home to be tented for termites, I lived in my RV parked outside of my home for three days while I attended the Craft and Hobby trade show twice, attended a dinner with Tim Holtz, then moved back into my home and cleaned and washed everything. One day later, my son had his first race event so I was back in the RV for a few more days, came home to find a notice that all of the garage driveways were going to be resurfaced the next day so we had to find parking for all of our vehicles. That was 21 days ago and they still haven't resurfaced our driveway. Meanwhile we got a parking ticket on the RV. And work has been exceptionally busy because my dear friend and co-worker was in a serious {but not life-threatening} car accident and I am covering her work load while she mends. And at the same time I have been given the exciting opportunity to do two things that I absolutely love; create a branding campaign and design my own craft dies. And on top of all of this I am doing a ton of freelance design. Yes, it has certainly been an extremely busy start to a new year!

Hope everyone had a great day of thrifting. Like I said, I am working to get new items into my store. Thanks for your patience.